Distribuição das espécies Goeppertia monophylla (Marantaceae) e Hypolytrum schraderianum (Cyperaceae) no loteamento do Iporanga na Serra do Guararu, Guarujá – SP.
Brazil is a country that has a big diversity of vegetation. Herbaceous plants, like that of the families of Marantaceae and Cyperaceae, are specimens found in the region of Atlantic Forest, on the coast of São Paulo state. It is predominantly herbaceous angiosperms with habits that also grow inside humid and tropical forests, with high occurrence in dense rainforests. This study aims to realize a survey the distribution of species of Goeppertia monophylla (Marantaceae) and Hypolytrum schraderianum (Cyperaceae) in two different areas from Iporanga’s Allotment in Serra do Guararu, in Guarujá, São Paulo. The results showed a random distribution of plants with predominantly of G. monophylla in forest more closed and with a greater chance of flooding, while H. schraderianum was founded in area more opened and drier soil.
Key words: Marantaceae, Cypereceae, herbaceous plants, Iporanga.
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